About this Blog

This will be a project blog.

The purpose is to develop and launch an English as an Other Language (EOL) literacy workshop for adult newcomers to Canada to practice their studies in English, using the literary arts and creative writing tools.

The students will practice English speaking, reading and communication skills by reading aloud and discussing great works of literature from Canada and International writers (in English translation) including fiction, poetry, drama, songs and non-fiction journalism.  The students will practice English writing communication skills in the forms of written letters and reflections on the readings, leading to other forms of their own creative writing and their own stories.

The lesson plans have three main goals:

  1. By using literary arts and creative writing, the workshop will create greater interest and engagement in the English language

  1. By using literary arts and creative writing, the workshop will develop greater overall communication skills and creative expression in whatever language the student prefers

  1. This workshop was originally inspired by newcomers to Canada, in the hope of helping these students adapt themselves faster to life in Canada. They would know how Canada, especially our most revered Canadian writers, is full of the newcomer’s story. Creative writing naturally makes a home out of your own body.

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